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Desiccant Oxygen Absorbent Fresh Retainer Package Material Porous Material HumidityIndicatorCard
Head officeF2-2-15 Houshin,Higashiyodogawa,Osaka,Japan
Tel:+81-6-6329-6651 Fax:+81-6-6321-2252

Oxygen Absorbent

Oxygen absorbent is a quality preserving agent to remove and absorb oxygen in order to prevent above-mentioned deterioration in quality. It is in general classified into two categories, inorganic and organic.

TAMOTSU® is an organic oxygen absorber with polyvalent phenol supported on modified activated carbon,reference to the oxidation brown reaction of components contained in tea. It contains no metal and does not alert metal detectors. Typical applications: dried laver, dried small sardines, savory delicacies, ham, confectionery.