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Desiccant Oxygen Absorbent Fresh Retainer Package Material Porous Material Humidity Indicator Card
Head officeF2-2-15 Houshin,Higashiyodogawa,Osaka,Japan
Tel:+81-6-6329-6651 Fax:+81-6-6321-2252

It absorbs water vapor and make dry condition in package for the quality maintenance. Typical applications: confectionery, pharmaceuticals,health foods, metal parts, machine packaging,dried laver, groceries, confectionery,freeze-dried foods.
Oxygen Absorbent TAMOTSU®
It absorbs oxygen and make deoxygenation in package for the quality maintenance. Typical applications: dried laver, dried small sardines, savorydelicacies, ham, confectionery,Japanese and Western confectionery, savorydelicacies, uncooked noodles, soy bean paste.
Fresh Retainer CRISPER®‚g‚eE‚m‚j
It absorbs ethylene gas or carbon dioxide gas from vegetables and fruits for keeping freshness.
Typical applications:persimmon,bamboo,kiwi fruits,apple,pear,broccoli
Porous Material PUMICE®
PUMICE® is products based on white,sponge-like molten-solidified tuff with innumerable running pores. It is applied to the soil-enrichment assisting ventilation,drainage and fertilizer conservation,or to the industrial materials which require sound proofing,fire-resistance and so on.
Package Material PORFULEPORVES
Our company has developed more effective materials with new functions through multiple processing;they are THERMAL LAMINATION which makes composite film and POREFUL processing technology which punctures thermoplastic films.
Indicator Card
It's non-cobalt type indicator.It's easy to read humidity in package.The color change is from blue(dry) to pink(wet).